The holidays can be a stressful time for anyone, and even more so after the last few years of uncertainty and change that the world has been through.
This can all take away a lot of the joy of the holiday season. But with mindfulness, you can learn how to let the unnecessary stresses go, and live in the moment. It allows you to really appreciate every moment you are given throughout the holidays and finally enjoy yourself again, especially at Christmas time.
How to have a more meaningful Christmas?
Having a more meaningful Christmas and festive holiday is a struggle when the last quarter of the year rushes past us at the speed of light.
Where do the last 3 months of the year go? And how do we slow this time down so that we can actually enter the festive season with some sense of calm and ease?
Below are my 7 best tips to make this Christmas more meaningful and one to remember.
What is mindfulness?
It sounds complicated, but it really isn’t! Mindfulness is simply the act of focusing on the present moment you are in.
You take out the judgment, regret, or guilt, and simply accept what is. The more you can be mindful during the holidays and Christmas time, the more grateful and stress-free you become.
Mindfulness is a wonderful practice year-round and is something everyone can benefit from no matter what they are dealing with. But during the holidays, there are even more ways it can help you, but it can be difficult to practice mindfulness when we are so busy.
Why Mindfulness During the Holidays Can Be Difficult
Why are holidays so stressful? It seems like it would be a joyous time to spend with your family, but the opposite is often true. You are trying so hard to make everything perfect and give your children memories they can cherish, that you lose yourself (and your sanity) along the way.
Understanding where the stress comes from helps you to know where to focus on improving your mindfulness this time of year.
There is a lot to do – And often with very little time. You still have your other responsibilities on top of the numerous things you have to juggle during the holidays.
Financial issues – Many people do feel the struggle of figuring out how to pay for decorations, gifts, parties, traveling, and other holiday expenses.
The expectations are different from reality – Even after you work hard to make everything perfect, it doesn’t always turn out how you planned. This is where mindfulness really comes in handy.
My 7 Best Tips for a Meaningful Christmas this Year
Tip # 1: Practice Makes Perfect
If you have a little time before the holidays begin, it is a great time to start practicing your mindfulness habits.
This doesn’t require anything more than just sitting quietly and focusing on whatever you are doing at that time. It might mean being quiet during a meal, sitting in your bedroom at night and pondering how you feel at that time, or being mindful while taking a walk.
Using a Gratitude Journal may help to quiet the chaos and help you start to focus on what really is important instead of what is shouting the loudest at you in the moment.
Tip # 2: Let Go of Perfection
The holidays are not about being perfect—they’re about being present. So instead of getting caught up in trying to make everything just so, let go of your need for perfection and enjoy the process.
Things will go wrong, but that’s okay! Just roll with the punches and remember that your loved ones will still be there at the end of the day, no matter what happens.
A very big part of mindfulness is letting go of judgement and guilt. This is not just releasing judgment on others, but on yourself, and the situations you find yourself in during the holiday season.
Stop worrying about how you look, if the food is good enough, if the venue is perfect, and what others are experiencing. These thought patterns are negative and going to make it very difficult to be mindful and appreciate the present moment.
Tip # 3: Have Mindful Meals
Mindfulness can work during any event or experience you have during the holidays, but a great time to practice it is while having meals with others. It can be your family holiday meal, at a party, or just at home to de-stress.
During your meals, shut off all distractions. This means no phone, no TV, and no music. Sit quietly and think about how you feel right then, during your meal. Focus on the flavors, the colors, the textures of what you are eating. Consider how you are feeling.
Eat without judgment, guilt, or any other emotions that doesn’t add to the satisfaction of that meal.
Tip # 4: Be Present in the Moment
It is so easy to get wrapped up in what you should have done, what you still have to do, what is or isn’t perfect during the holidays. When you find your mind wandering instead of enjoying time with family or friends, just take a pause. Sit for a few minutes alone in the quiet and bring yourself back to this moment.
One of the best things about mindfulness is that it allows you to appreciate even the simplest moments. Instead of letting your mind wander to all the things you have to do, take a few deep breaths and focus on what’s happening right in front of you. Whether you’re wrapping presents, cooking a holiday meal, or spending time with family and friends, savor every moment and appreciate all that you have.
Tip # 5: Focus on the Moment, Not the Big Picture
Remember to focus on the present, not the big picture.
It isn’t about having the perfect Christmas memory, but each little thing that made your Christmas memorable. Start to notice the smaller things in between the bigger events and you will start to experience the true meaning of love, family and joy.
Tip # 6: Be grateful for what you have
One of the best ways to combat stress is to focus on gratitude.
Whether it’s something as small as a warm cup of coffee or as big as your health, appreciate all the good things in your life. by practicing gratitude, you’ll start to see just how blessed you truly are.
Using a gratitude journal can help to focus your thoughts, especially when using a journal with guided prompts.
Tip # 7: Take a pause
Give yourself some time each day to relax and recharge.
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in our never-ending to-do lists and forget to take care of ourselves. During this holiday season (and throughout the year), make sure to schedule some time each day to relax and rejuvenate, whether it’s taking a yoga class, reading your favorite book, or taking a leisurely walk outdoors.
Christmas is a time for celebration, sharing and having fun! And it only comes around once a year! Don’t miss out because you were rushing around tackling to do lists or trying to plan the perfect dinner for the family .
Stop, take a breath and find yourself in the moment, being present. Be more mindful this Christmas and have a more meaningful Christmas that you and your loved ones will never forget.
If you want to start practicing gratitude this Christmas, check out this 30-Day Christmas Gratitude Journal with daily prompts to guide you towards a more meaningful Christmas.